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hubaermi 华尔街点金人 的书评 发表时间:2010-07-17 12:07:22


相比前一本如Jim Rogers等大师级人物,这本里虽也有Stanley等大拿,但有些trader有凑数之嫌,本身都不是很系统,更不要说the silence of the turtles那章了...




- What other mistakes do people make?
- They don’t approach trading as a business. I’ve always viewed trading as a business.

- How do you achieve that balance?
- I focus my total attention on trading well, and let the results take care of themselves.

-The 1979-80 silver market was one of the great bull markets of all time. [Silver soared from $5 per ounce to $50 per ounce in a little over a year.] Did you have any inkling of how high prices might go?
-None whatsoever. In fact, even $10 per ounce seemed extremely far fetched. I don’t know anybody who bought silver at relatively low prices and got out at over $20. The traders who bought silver at $3, $4, $5, and $6 did one of two things. Either, by the time silver got up to $7, $8, or $9 they got out, or they rode the position all the way up and all the way down. I’m sure there are exceptions, but I’ve never met one. I did, however, know traders that went short silver at $9, $10 because the price seemed to ridiculously high and ended up riding the position until they had lost their entire net worth. That happened to some of the best professionals I knew in the silver market.
A lot of innocent parties were hurt by the Hunt activity. For example, take a mine down in Peru whose cost of production is under $5 per ounce. When the price gets up to $15, the mine decides to lock in a huge profit by hedging their next two years’ worth of production in the silver futures market. This makes all the economic sense in the world. However, when the price keeps on going up to $20, $25, $30, $35, they have to keep putting up more and more variation margin on their short futures positions. Eventually, they run out of money and are forced to liquidate their position, going broke in the process.





