Growth Hacker Marketing_Growth Hacker Marketing书评-查字典图书网
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Chowchow91 Growth Hacker Marketing 的书评 发表时间:2015-10-06 18:10:39

Growth Hacker Marketing

In all honesty, much of the content in the book is pretty straight forward and unintuitive. But it does the job of letting people know and think about growth hacker marketing surprisingly well. After reading the book I do think about all the things perhaps I could have done at my previous jobs. Like Holiday said, thinking about it and having a growth hacker mindset is half the work, and I am thankful for the instillment of this mindset. Since it is a primer, the book is short and lacking in depth, so the book is not for anyone who really want to learn how to growth hack, but it is a good starter for any rookie interested. I do wonder if simplifying the entire process to four steps is a little too simplistic. Personally I find a lot of the filler content at the end unnecessary (is it there just to make the book longer?), but the list of sources to learn more about growth hacker marketing to be rather useful.





