Enjoyed this book thoroughly!_Your Money or Your Life书评-查字典图书网
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传奇☂ Your Money or Your Life 的书评 发表时间:2010-02-25 14:02:51

Enjoyed this book thoroughly!

Entertainment-1 Stars
Education- 1 Star
Readability- 1 star
Innovation- 1 Stars
Inspiration- 1 Stars

This book really makes you re-examine what it means to have money. It will make you change the way you look at earning money and the way you look at spending money.

This book could really change your life-- as long as you have the ability to be extremely organized and detail oriented. (Which, sadly, most of the time I don't). Like its spiritual cousins, "What Color is Your Parachute" and "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", "Your Money or Your Life" is full of great advice that is almost impossible to execute. "You don't have to understand it," say the authors, "Just do it." I guess you can consider me Ye of Little Faith. Sorry, but I like to understand how things work before I pour huge amounts of my time into them.

That said, you can learn some important things from this book, even if you don't do the 9-step plan. For example, I learned that "rewarding myself" for doing a job I hate should be factored into my wages for the job, as well as money spent on "decompressing" or "escaping" from the reality of the job. That was actually a huge breakthrough for me. So while I still think the 9-step plan is kind of odd, I would still recommend this book because it offers a fresh perspective on money that is sorely needed.







对“Enjoyed this book thoroughly!”的回应

子寓 2010-11-04 01:51:29

that is awesome !
中文版本应该就是 找出你的人生定位
最重要的是 找出你的核心自我天职吧 --
呵 我还做了思想图呢 值得自己一生去寻找吧
跟乔帮主的著名演讲 ---大致思想相似 好的思想都是一样的

小吴老师 2010-10-03 09:14:42

your money and your life
if possible ,i will choose that.