The end._曲终人散书评-查字典图书网
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koala 曲终人散 的书评 发表时间:2011-09-16 08:09:40

The end.

As unbelievable, hilarious and crazy as our everyday life. Some one told me it’s about office, I thought it refer to office romance. We all talk, belong or think not oneself not belonging to some group, help and bitch in the same time, even, some of us die quietly with nothing to be remembered, or sitting quietly in the children zone of Mcdonald. No bad people, but we turned this place to hell. The para I love most, u know, is the one about Lynn, which the author make Don recite once in the end of the book. I love Lynn, I hate her last night so revealing of the rare weak time and is that what I am afraid of:die alone? Anyway, my life was never been a mess like it is now.





