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圈圈儿 征程 的书评 发表时间:2015-06-26 10:06:11



The soil of China conceals many buried treasures, from mundane but valuable coal and iron ore to the relics of ancient dynasties. Near the city of Xi’an in what is now Shaanxi Province, a whole army of terra cotta warriors stands guard over the tomb of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, who united China more than two thousand years ago through diplomacy and war. Far to the south, archaeological sites in eastern Yunnan Province have offered up artefacts from the long-extinct kingdom of Dian, the most striking of which are bronze vessels whose lids are decorated with elaborate carved figurines arranged in scenes of hunting, combat and even human sacrifice. Excavations have recovered animal bones that were used to pose questions to spirits and ancestors by the rulers of the Shang Dynasty, the earliest Chinese dynasty whose existence is documented by firm historical and archaeological evidence. The questions were written on the “oracle bones” in symbols that are clearly precursors of the modern Chinese characters that people use every day to read newspapers, write text messages and surf the internet.

Fig1. A palaeontologist’s tent, pitched among Jurassic rock outcrops in the Xinjiang region of northwest China that yield spectacular fossils of dinosaurs and other vertebrates..

[Fig2. Terra cotta warriors standing eternal guard over their emperor.

[Fig3. An inscribed bone fragment used in divination.

The beginning of the Shang Dynasty, representing the dawn of the part of Chinese history that can clearly be distinguished from legend, is separated from the present by more than three thousand years. That span of time is awe-inspiring, when seriously contemplated, but still an eyeblink compared to the duration of a far longer story that has also left its traces buried beneath the soil. In many parts of China are exposed rock strata that contain fossils millions or even hundreds of millions of years old, the petrified remains of dynasties of plants and animals that flourished long before the Shang and the Qin. Just as archaeologists can piece together much of the history of the Shang from the material evidence of oracle bones and bronze cauldrons, palaeontologists can use fossils to reconstruct the far longer and more outlandish history of life on Earth.

[Fig4. Exquisitely ornamented bronze ware from the Shang Dynasty, which ruled from about 1600 to 1046 BC.

The subject of this book is one particular strand in the history of life, namely the story of our own group – the vertebrates – as documented in the Chinese fossil record. Through approximately the past half-billion years of geological time, an ever-changing menagerie of these backboned animals has inhabited the part of the Earth’s surface that is now China, leaving fossil remains at every turn. The tiny bodies of early jawless fishes emerge from hillsides in eastern Yunnan, geographically close to the bronze relics of the kingdom of Dian but separated from them by an immense gulf of time. In Liaoning Province, in the northeast, early birds and small predatory dinosaurs can be found within rock layers laid down in Cretaceous lakes, many still lying in mantles of preserved feathers. Caves and fissures near Beijing contain the bones and tools of ancient humans, alongside the remains of other animals. Each of these occurrences is like a glimpse into a different slice of the remote past, a different lost world entombed in stone.

Fig5. A fossil of the small dinosaur Microraptor gui from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning, showing preserved feathers.

The glimpses provided by the fossil record are few and far between, and distinctly haphazard. Attempting to make sense of them is like trying to reconstruct an elaborate military parade from a collection of snapshots taken by an excitable chimpanzee that swivels its camera at random among the vehicles, marching soldiers and spectators, sometimes taking a dozen pictures in rapid succession and sometimes leaving the button untouched for ten or twenty minutes as troops and tanks sweep by unrecorded. Nevertheless, the efforts of many palaeontologists applied to the raw material of the Chinese fossil record have pieced together the general outlines of a parade in which the marchers are not military troops but rather dinosaurs, woolly mammoths, low-browed men and women with stone axes, and other representatives of vertebrate life through the long millennia of China’s geological past.

Fig6. An enthusiastic but unreliable photographer.

Some of the marchers naturally slither, and others swim or fly. At first the only marchers are a few jawless fishes, which are soon crowded out almost entirely as fishes of other kinds and eventually land vertebrates take their places. Species are periodically lost to extinction as the march continues, but are replaced by others that are newly evolved or newly introduced to China from other regions. Now and then an episode of mass extinction thins the ranks dramatically, but in general new marchers are added at such a rate that the total number gradually swells. By the time the march of vertebrate life in China reaches the present, it contains a remarkable and motley collection of creatures – all of the vertebrates that inhabit China today, from fish in Bohai Bay to yaks in the Himalayas and Chinese people from every walk of life.

Fig7. The “Yellow River Elephant” (Stegodon) from the Pleistocene of Gansu Province.

The march of vertebrate life in China has not taken place in isolation, and in fact is an integral part of a larger march encompassing the planet as a whole. Throughout Earth’s history, groups that have evolved and begun to flourish in one area have often spread far and wide, becoming more numerous and varied in the process. At any given time in the geological past, the vertebrate fauna inhabiting what is now China would have been similar in many ways to its counterparts elsewhere, although with myriad differences of detail and some larger discrepancies. The distribution of vertebrates in our modern world exemplifies this balance between uniformity and heterogeneity. China resembles many other countries in having native bears and deer, herons and magpies, pit vipers and agamid lizards, and so on. But Canadian deer, for example, are different from Chinese deer, and there are significant groups of modern vertebrates – such as kangaroos, rhinoceroses and hummingbirds – that are not found in China at all. The march of vertebrate life is a global phenomenon, but one with important local variations.

Fig.8 A bust of “Peking Man”, a form of the primitive human species Homo erectus.

China’s fossil record, like that of any country, is therefore unique. It contains the relics of a succession of floras and faunas that inhabited a particular part of the Earth’s surface in the remote past, perceived in a series of glimpses – the chimpanzee’s snapshots – whose clarity and timing are dictated by the vagaries of the local geology. Studying this record brings the march of vertebrate life into view through a specifically Chinese lens, providing information that augments and complements what can be learned from fossils that occur elsewhere in the world. Better yet, the past two or three decades have seen a surge in all types of palaeontological activity in China, from hunting for fossils in previously untapped places to publishing scientific papers about new discoveries, and to building palaeontological museums. As a result of the ongoing fossil rush, the story of the vertebrate life of China’s past is coming into sharper focus than ever before. The aim of this book is describe science’s current understanding of that story in a clear and accessible way, with proper attention to the global context, and to convey a hint of the wonder and fascination of standing face-to-face with the fossils themselves.





