读书笔记_SQL必知必会(作者: 福塔)_SQL必知必会书评-查字典图书网
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读书笔记_SQL必知必会(作者: 福塔)


第0章 安装mysql以及建库、建表、导入数据
第1章 了解SQL
1.2 什么是SQL
1.3 动手实践
第2章 检索数据
2.1 SELECT 语句
2.2 检索单个列
2.3 检索多个列
2.4 检索所有列
第3章 排序检索数据
3.1 排序数据
3.2 按多个列排序
3.3 按列位置排序
3.4 指定排序方向
第4章 过滤数据
4.1 使用WHERE子句
4.2 WHERE子句操作符
4.2.1 检查单个值
4.2.2 不匹配检查
4.2.3 范围值检查
4.2.4 空值检查
第 5 章 高级数据过滤
5.1 组合WHERE子句
5.1.1 AND操作符 (与运算)
5.1.2 OR操作符 (或运算)
5.1.3 计算次序(操作符的优先级)
5.2 IN操作符
5.3 NOT操作符
第6章 用通配符进行过滤
6.1 LIKE操作符
6.1.1 百分号(%)通配符
6.1.2 下划线(_)通配符
6.1.3 方括号([])通配符
6.2 使用通配符的技巧
第7章 创建计算字段
7.1 计算字段
7.2 拼接字段
7.3 执行算术计算
第8章 使用数据处理函数
8.1 函数
8.2 使用函数
8.2.1 文本处理函数
8.2.2 日期和时间处理函数
8.2.3 数值处理函数
第9章 汇总数据
9.1 聚集函数
9.2 聚集不同值
9.3 组合聚集函数
第10章 分组数据
10.1 数据分组
10.2 创建分组
10.3 过滤分组
10.4 分组和排序
10.5 SELECT子句顺序
第11章 使用子查询
11.1 子查询
11.2 利用子查询进行过滤
11.3 作为计算字段使用子查询
第12章 联结表(join table)
12.1 联结
12.1.1 关系表
12.2 创建联结
12.2.2 内部联结
12.2.3 联结多个表
第13章 创建高级联结
13.1 使用表别名
13.2 使用不同类型的联结
13.2.1 自联结
13.2.2 自然联结
13.2.3 外部联结
13.3 使用带聚集函数的联结
13.4 使用联结和联结条件
第14章 组合查询
14.1 组合查询
14.2 创建组合查询
14.2.1 使用UNION
14.2.2 UNION规则
14.2.3 包含或取消重复的行
14.2.4 对组合查询排序
第15章 插入数据
15.1 插入数据
15.1.1 插入完整的行
15.1.2 插入部分行
15.1.3 插入检索出的数据
15.2 从一个表复制到另一个表
第16章 更新和删除数据
16.1 更新数据
16.2 删除数据
16.3 更新和删除的指导原则
第17章 创建和操纵表
17.1 创建表
17.1.1 表创建基础
17.1.2 使用NULL值
17.1.3 制定默认值
17.2 更新表结构
17.3 删除表
17.4 重命名表名
第18章 使用视图
18.1 视图
18.1.1 为什使用视图
18.1.2 视图的规则和限制
18.2 创建视图
18.2.1 利用视图简化复杂的联结
18.2.2 用视图重新格式化检索出的数据
18.2.3 用视图过滤不想要的数据
18.2.4 使用视图与计算字段
18.3 小结
第19章 使用存储过程
附录: Oracle 和 mysql 的一些简单SQL操作命令对比
第0章 安装mysql以及建库、建表、导入数据


    1、首先在打开DOS窗口,再键入命令mysql -uroot -p, 回车后提示你输密码。

1、 显示数据库列表。
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_example |
| customers |
| orderitems |
| orders |
| products |
| vendors |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
刚开始时才两个数据库:mysql和test。 mysql库很重要它里面有mysql的系统信息,

2、 显示库中的数据表:
语法:use 数据库名; //打开库,学过FOXBASE的一定不会陌生吧
     show 表名;

3、 显示数据表的结构:
语法:describe 表名;

4、 建库:
语法:create database 库名;

mysql> create database example;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> use example;
Database changed

mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

5、 建表:
语法:use 库名;
      create table 表名(字段设定列表);
使用Ben Forta提供的例子,直接复制粘贴。
-- Create Customers table
  cust_id char(10) NOT NULL ,
  cust_name char(50) NOT NULL ,
  cust_address char(50) NULL ,
  cust_city char(50) NULL ,
  cust_state char(5) NULL ,
  cust_zip char(10) NULL ,
  cust_country char(50) NULL ,
  cust_contact char(50) NULL ,
  cust_email char(255) NULL
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_example |
| customers |
| orderitems |
| orders |
| products |
| vendors |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

还是使用Ben Forta提供的例子,直接复制粘贴。
-- Populate Customers table
INSERT INTO Customers(cust_id, cust_name, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_country, cust_contact, cust_email)
VALUES('1000000001', 'Village Toys', '200 Maple Lane', 'Detroit', 'MI', '44444', 'USA', 'John Smith', 'sales@villagetoys.com');
…… ……

第1章 了解SQL
1.1.1 数据库(database):保存有组织的数据的仓库(数据集合)。
1.1.2 表(table):一种结构化的文件。
1.1.3 列(column):表中的一个字段(field)。
数据类型(data type):每列都有相应的数据类型,它限制或容许该列中存储的数据。
1.1.4 行(row):表中的一个记录(record)。
1.1.5 主键(primary key):一列(或一组列),其值能够唯一标识表中的每一列。

1.2 什么是SQL
SQL(Structured Query Language):结构化查询语言,是一种专门用来与数据库通信的语言。
注意:标准SQL有ANSI标准委员会管理,从而成为ANSI SQL。各个DBMS供应商通过增加语句或指令,对标准SQL进行扩展。

1.3 动手实践
第2章 检索数据
2.1 SELECT 语句
附录E ——SQL保留字(略)

2.2 检索单个列
mysql> select prod_name
    -> from products;

| prod_name |
| Fish bean bag toy |
| Bird bean bag toy |
| Rabbit bean bag toy |
| 8 inch teddy bear |
| 12 inch teddy bear |
| 18 inch teddy bear |
| Raggedy Ann |
| King doll |
| Queen doll |
9 rows in set (0.20 sec)


2.3 检索多个列
mysql> select prod_id, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from products;

| prod_id | prod_name | prod_price |
| BNBG01 | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| BNBG02 | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| BNBG03 | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| BR01 | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| BR02 | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| BR03 | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| RGAN01 | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| RYL01 | King doll | 9.49 |
| RYL02 | Queen doll | 9.49 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2.4 检索所有列
mysql> select *
    -> from products;
第3章 排序检索数据
3.1 排序数据
mysql> select prod_name
    -> from products
    -> order by prod_name;
| prod_name |
| 12 inch teddy bear |
| 18 inch teddy bear |
| 8 inch teddy bear |
| Bird bean bag toy |
| Fish bean bag toy |
| King doll |
| Queen doll |
| Rabbit bean bag toy |
| Raggedy Ann |
9 rows in set (0.16 sec)

注意:order by子句必须是select语句中的最后一条子句。

3.2 按多个列排序

mysql> select prod_id, prod_price, prod_name
    -> from products
    -> order by prod_price, prod_name;

| prod_id | prod_price | prod_name |
| BNBG02 | 3.49 | Bird bean bag toy |
| BNBG01 | 3.49 | Fish bean bag toy |
| BNBG03 | 3.49 | Rabbit bean bag toy |
| RGAN01 | 4.99 | Raggedy Ann |
| BR01 | 5.99 | 8 inch teddy bear |
| BR02 | 8.99 | 12 inch teddy bear |
| RYL01 | 9.49 | King doll |
| RYL02 | 9.49 | Queen doll |
| BR03 | 11.99 | 18 inch teddy bear |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.3 按列位置排序
mysql> select prod_id, prod_price, prod_name
    -> from products
    -> order by 2, 3;

| prod_id | prod_price | prod_name |
| BNBG02 | 3.49 | Bird bean bag toy |
| BNBG01 | 3.49 | Fish bean bag toy |
| BNBG03 | 3.49 | Rabbit bean bag toy |
| RGAN01 | 4.99 | Raggedy Ann |
| BR01 | 5.99 | 8 inch teddy bear |
| BR02 | 8.99 | 12 inch teddy bear |
| RYL01 | 9.49 | King doll |
| RYL02 | 9.49 | Queen doll |
| BR03 | 11.99 | 18 inch teddy bear |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.4 指定排序方向
mysql> select prod_id, prod_price, prod_name
    -> from products
    -> order by prod_price desc;

| prod_id | prod_price | prod_name |
| BR03 | 11.99 | 18 inch teddy bear |
| RYL01 | 9.49 | King doll |
| RYL02 | 9.49 | Queen doll |
| BR02 | 8.99 | 12 inch teddy bear |
| BR01 | 5.99 | 8 inch teddy bear |
| RGAN01 | 4.99 | Raggedy Ann |
| BNBG01 | 3.49 | Fish bean bag toy |
| BNBG02 | 3.49 | Bird bean bag toy |
| BNBG03 | 3.49 | Rabbit bean bag toy |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

第4章 过滤数据
4.1 使用WHERE子句
mysql> select prod_name, prod_price
    -> from products
    -> where prod_price = 3.49;

| prod_name | prod_price |
| Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

4.2 WHERE子句操作符

操作符 说明

4.2.1 检查单个值
mysql> select prod_name, prod_price
    -> from products
    -> where prod_price < 10;

| prod_name | prod_price |
| Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| King doll | 9.49 |
| Queen doll | 9.49 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
4.2.2 不匹配检查
mysql> select vend_id, prod_name
    -> from products
    -> where vend_id != 'DLL01';
| vend_id | prod_name |
| BRS01 | 8 inch teddy bear |
| BRS01 | 12 inch teddy bear |
| BRS01 | 18 inch teddy bear |
| FNG01 | King doll |
| FNG01 | Queen doll |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

注意:!=和<>通常可以互换。但是,并非所有的DBMS都支持这两种操作符。例如Microsoft Access支持<>而不支持!=。如有疑问,请参阅相应的DBMS文档。
4.2.3 范围值检查
mysql> select prod_name, prod_price
    -> from products
    -> where prod_price between 5 and 10;

| prod_name | prod_price |
| 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| King doll | 9.49 |
| Queen doll | 9.49 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
4.2.4 空值检查
mysql> select vend_name, vend_state
    -> from vendors
    -> where vend_state is null;

| vend_name | vend_state |
| Fun and Games | NULL |
| Jouets et ours | NULL |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
第 5 章 高级数据过滤
5.1 组合WHERE子句
操作符(operateor):用来联接或改变WHERE子句中的子句的关键词。也称逻辑操作符(logical operator)。
5.1.1 AND操作符 (与运算)
mysql> select prod_id, prod_price, prod_name
    -> from products
    -> where vend_id = 'DLL01' and prod_price <= 4;

| prod_id | prod_price | prod_name |
| BNBG01 | 3.49 | Fish bean bag toy |
| BNBG02 | 3.49 | Bird bean bag toy |
| BNBG03 | 3.49 | Rabbit bean bag toy |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
5.1.2 OR操作符 (或运算)
mysql> select vend_id, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from products
    -> where vend_id = 'DLL01' or vend_id = 'BRS01';
| vend_id | prod_name | prod_price |
| DLL01 | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| DLL01 | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| DLL01 | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| BRS01 | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| BRS01 | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| BRS01 | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| DLL01 | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |

5.1.3 计算次序(操作符的优先级)

||, OR, XOR
&&, AND
=, <=>, >=, >, <=, <, <>, !=, IS, LIKE, REGEXP, IN
<<, >>
-, +
*, /, DIV, %, MOD
- (一元减号), ~ (一元比特反转)

5.2 IN操作符
mysql> select vend_id, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from products
    -> where vend_id = 'DLL01' or vend_id = 'BRS01';

| vend_id | prod_name | prod_price |
| DLL01 | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| DLL01 | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| DLL01 | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| BRS01 | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| BRS01 | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| BRS01 | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| DLL01 | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


5.3 NOT操作符
mysql> select vend_id, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from products
    -> where not vend_id = 'DLL01' ;

| vend_id | prod_name | prod_price |
| BRS01 | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| BRS01 | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| BRS01 | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| FNG01 | King doll | 9.49 |
| FNG01 | Queen doll | 9.49 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

注意:NOT操作符在复杂子句中用处更大,比如与IN操作符联合使用——NOT IN。
第6章 用通配符进行过滤
6.1 LIKE操作符
搜索模式(search pattern):由字面值、通配符或者两者组合构成的搜索条件。
6.1.1 百分号(%)通配符
mysql> select prod_name
    -> from products
    -> where prod_name like 'fish%';

| prod_name |
| Fish bean bag toy |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


mysql> select prod_name
    -> from products
    -> where prod_name like 'f%y';

| prod_name |
| Fish bean bag toy |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
注意:要特别小心后面所跟的空格。许多DBMS,包括Microsoft Access,都用空格来填补字段内容。
6.1.2 下划线(_)通配符
mysql> select prod_name
    -> from products
    -> where prod_name like '_ inch teddy bear';

| prod_name |
| 8 inch teddy bear |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select prod_name
    -> from products
    -> where prod_name like '% inch teddy bear';

| prod_name |
| 8 inch teddy bear |
| 12 inch teddy bear |
| 18 inch teddy bear |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
6.1.3 方括号([])通配符
6.2 使用通配符的技巧

MySQL采用Henry Spencer的正则表达式实施,其目标是符合POSIX 1003.2。请参见附录C:感谢。MySQL采用了扩展的版本,以支持在SQL语句中与REGEXP操作符一起使用的模式匹配操作。请参见3.3.4.7节,“模式匹配”。
在本附录中,归纳了在MySQL中可用于REGEXP操作的特殊字符和结构,并给出了一些示例。本附录未包含可在Henry Spencer的regex(7)手册页面中发现的所有细节。该手册页面包含在MySQL源码分发版中,位于regex目录下的regex.7文件中。
• ^
mysql> SELECT 'fonfo' REGEXP '^fo$'; -> 0
mysql> SELECT 'fofo' REGEXP '^fo'; -> 1
• $
mysql> SELECT 'fono' REGEXP '^fono$'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'fono' REGEXP '^fo$'; -> 0
• .
mysql> SELECT 'fofo' REGEXP '^f.*$'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'fornfo' REGEXP '^f.*$'; -> 1
• a*
mysql> SELECT 'Ban' REGEXP '^Ba*n'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'Baaan' REGEXP '^Ba*n'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'Bn' REGEXP '^Ba*n'; -> 1
• a+
mysql> SELECT 'Ban' REGEXP '^Ba+n'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'Bn' REGEXP '^Ba+n'; -> 0
• a?
mysql> SELECT 'Bn' REGEXP '^Ba?n'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'Ban' REGEXP '^Ba?n'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'Baan' REGEXP '^Ba?n'; -> 0
• de|abc
mysql> SELECT 'pi' REGEXP 'pi|apa'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'axe' REGEXP 'pi|apa'; -> 0
mysql> SELECT 'apa' REGEXP 'pi|apa'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'apa' REGEXP '^(pi|apa)$'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'pi' REGEXP '^(pi|apa)$'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'pix' REGEXP '^(pi|apa)$'; -> 0
• (abc)*
mysql> SELECT 'pi' REGEXP '^(pi)*$'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'pip' REGEXP '^(pi)*$'; -> 0
mysql> SELECT 'pipi' REGEXP '^(pi)*$'; -> 1
• {1}, {2,3}
o a*
o a+
o a?
mysql> SELECT 'abcde' REGEXP 'a[bcd]{2}e'; -> 0
mysql> SELECT 'abcde' REGEXP 'a[bcd]{3}e'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'abcde' REGEXP 'a[bcd]{1,10}e'; -> 1
• [a-dX], [^a-dX]
匹配任何是(或不是,如果使用^的话)a、b、c、d或X的字符。两个其他字符之间的“-”字符构成一个范围,与从第1个字符开始到第2个字符之间的所有字符匹配。例如,[0-9]匹配任何十进制数字 。要想包含文字字符“]”,它必须紧跟在开括号“[”之后。要想包含文字字符“-”,它必须首先或最后写入。对于[]对内未定义任何特殊含义的任何字符,仅与其本身匹配。
mysql> SELECT 'aXbc' REGEXP '[a-dXYZ]'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'aXbc' REGEXP '^[a-dXYZ]$'; -> 0
mysql> SELECT 'aXbc' REGEXP '^[a-dXYZ]+$'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'aXbc' REGEXP '^[^a-dXYZ]+$'; -> 0
mysql> SELECT 'gheis' REGEXP '^[^a-dXYZ]+$'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'gheisa' REGEXP '^[^a-dXYZ]+$'; -> 0
• [.characters.]
mysql> SELECT '~' REGEXP '[[.~.]'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT '~' REGEXP '[[.tilde.]'; -> 1
• [=character_class=]
• [:character_class:]
alnum 文字数字字符
alpha 文字字符
blank 空白字符
cntrl 控制字符
digit 数字字符
graph 图形字符
lower 小写文字字符
print 图形或空格字符
punct 标点字符
space 空格、制表符、新行、和回车
upper 大写文字字符
xdigit 十六进制数字字符
mysql> SELECT 'justalnums' REGEXP '[[:alnum:]+'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT '!!' REGEXP '[[:alnum:]+'; -> 0
• [[:<:], [[:>:]
mysql> SELECT 'a word a' REGEXP '[[:<:]word[[:>:]'; -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'a xword a' REGEXP '[[:<:]word[[:>:]'; -> 0
mysql> SELECT '1+2' REGEXP '1+2'; -> 0
mysql> SELECT '1+2' REGEXP '1+2'; -> 0
mysql> SELECT '1+2' REGEXP '1\+2'; -> 1


第7章 创建计算字段
7.1 计算字段
7.2 拼接字段
SQL Server和Sybase使用加号(+)。

mysql> select CONCAT(vend_name ,' (',vend_country,')')
    -> from vendors;

| concat(vend_name ,' (',vend_country,')') |
| Bear Emporium (USA) |
| Bears R Us (USA) |
| Doll House Inc. (USA) |
| Fun and Games (England) |
| Furball Inc. (USA) |
| Jouets et ours (France) |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select concat(vend_name ,' (',vend_country,')') AS vend_title
    -> from vendors;
| vend_title |
| Bear Emporium (USA) |
| Bears R Us (USA) |
| Doll House Inc. (USA) |
| Fun and Games (England) |
| Furball Inc. (USA) |
| Jouets et ours (France) |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select concat(vend_name ,' (',vend_country,')') vend_title
    -> from vendors;
| vend_title |
| Bear Emporium (USA) |
| Bears R Us (USA) |
| Doll House Inc. (USA) |
| Fun and Games (England) |
| Furball Inc. (USA) |
| Jouets et ours (France) |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

7.3 执行算术计算

第8章 使用数据处理函数
8.1 函数

8.2 使用函数
8.2.1 文本处理函数
函数 说明
SOUNDEX( ) 语音匹配

mysql> select upper( vend_name)
    -> from vendors;
| upper( vend_name) |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
8.2.2 日期和时间处理函数
        Oracle mysql
日期函数 SQL> select sysdate from dual; mysql> select now();
mysql> select sysdate();
mysql> select curdate();
mysql> select current_date;
mysql> select curtime();
mysql> select current_time;
日期格式化 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual;
SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'hh24-mi-ss') from dual; mysql> select date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d');
mysql> select time_format(now(),'%H-%i-%S');

mysql> select order_date
    -> from orders;
| order_date |
| 2004-05-01 00:00:00 |
| 2004-01-12 00:00:00 |
| 2004-01-30 00:00:00 |
| 2004-02-03 00:00:00 |
| 2004-02-08 00:00:00 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select order_date
    -> from orders
    -> where month(order_date) = 02;
| order_date |
| 2004-02-03 00:00:00 |
| 2004-02-08 00:00:00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select order_date
    -> from orders
    -> where date_format(order_date, '%m') = 02;
| order_date |
| 2004-02-03 00:00:00 |
| 2004-02-08 00:00:00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
8.2.3 数值处理函数
函数 说明
ABS( ) 绝对值
COS( )
EXP( ) 指数值
PI( ) 圆周率
SIN( )
SQRT( ) 平方根
TAN( )

第9章 汇总数据
9.1 聚集函数
聚集函数(aggregate function):从多个输入行中计算,并返回单个值的函数。

AVG( )
MAX( )
MIN( )
SUM( )

COUNT( )函数有两种使用方式:
9.2 聚集不同值
9.3 组合聚集函数
第10章 分组数据
10.1 数据分组
10.2 创建分组
分组在SELECT语句的GROUP BY子句中创建。
mysql> select vend_id, count(*) num_prods
    -> from products
    -> group by vend_id;
| vend_id | num_prods |
| BRS01 | 3 |
| DLL01 | 4 |
| FNG01 | 2 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select vend_id
    -> from products;
| vend_id |
| BRS01 |
| BRS01 |
| BRS01 |
| DLL01 |
| DLL01 |
| DLL01 |
| DLL01 |
| FNG01 |
| FNG01 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select vend_id
    -> from products
    -> group by vend_id;
| vend_id |
| BRS01 |
| DLL01 |
| FNG01 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

注意:除聚集语句外,SELECT语句中的每个列都必须在GROUP BY子句中给出。
mysql> select prod_name, count(*) num_prods
    -> from products
    -> group by vend_id;
| prod_name | num_prods |
| 8 inch teddy bear | 3 |
| Fish bean bag toy | 4 |
| King doll | 2 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select vend_id, prod_name
    -> from products;
| vend_id | prod_name |
| DLL01 | Fish bean bag toy |
| DLL01 | Bird bean bag toy |
| DLL01 | Rabbit bean bag toy |
| BRS01 | 8 inch teddy bear |
| BRS01 | 12 inch teddy bear |
| BRS01 | 18 inch teddy bear |
| DLL01 | Raggedy Ann |
| FNG01 | King doll |
| FNG01 | Queen doll |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
10.3 过滤分组
mysql> select vend_id, count(*) num_prods
    -> from products
    -> group by vend_id
    -> having count(*) >= 3;
| vend_id | num_prods |
| BRS01 | 3 |
| DLL01 | 4 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select vend_id, count(*) num_prods
    -> from products
    -> where prod_price >=4
    -> group by vend_id
    -> having count(*) >=2;
| vend_id | num_prods |
| BRS01 | 3 |
| FNG01 | 2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select vend_id, count(*) num_prods
    -> from products
    -> group by vend_id;
| vend_id | num_prods |
| BRS01 | 3 |
| DLL01 | 4 |
| FNG01 | 2 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
10.4 分组和排序
GROUP BY的输出可能排序,也可能不排序。保证数据正确排序的方法是使用ORDER BY子句。
10.5 SELECT子句顺序
第11章 使用子查询
11.1 子查询
11.2 利用子查询进行过滤

11.3 作为计算字段使用子查询
第12章 联结表(join table)
12.1 联结
12.1.1 关系表
The best way to understand relational tables is to look at a real-world example.
Suppose you had a database table containing a product catalog, with each catalog item in its own row. The kind of information you would store with each item would include a product description and price, along with vendor information about the company that creates the product.
Now suppose that you had multiple catalog items created by the same vendor. Where would you store the vendor information (things like vendor name, address, and contact information)? You wouldn't want to store that data along with the products for several reasons:
Because the vendor information is the same for each product that vendor produces, repeating the information for each product is a waste of time and storage space.
If vendor information changes (for example, if the vendor moves or his area code changes), you would need to update every occurrence of the vendor information.
When data is repeated (that is, the vendor information is used with each product), there is a high likelihood that the data will not be entered exactly the same way each time. Inconsistent data is extremely difficult to use in reporting.
The key here is that having multiple occurrences of the same data is never a good thing, and that principle is the basis for relational database design. Relational tables are designed so that information is split into multiple tables, one for each data type. The tables are related to each other through common values (and thus the relational in relational design).
In our example, you can create two tables, one for vendor information and one for product information. The Vendors table contains all the vendor information, one table row per vendor, along with a unique identifier for each vendor. This value, called a primary key, can be a vendor ID, or any other unique value.
The Products table stores only product information, and no vendor specific information other than the vendor ID (the Vendors table's primary key). This key relates the Vendors table to the Products table, and using this vendor ID enables you to use the Vendors table to find the details about the appropriate vendor.
What does this do for you? Well, consider the following:
Vendor information is never repeated, and so time and space are not wasted.
If vendor information changes, you can update a single record, the one in the Vendors table. Data in related tables does not change.
As no data is repeated, the data used is obviously consistent, making data reporting and manipulation much simpler.
The bottom line is that relational data can be stored efficiently and manipulated easily. Because of this, relational databases scale far better than nonrelational databases.
Scale Able to handle an increasing load without failing. A well-designed database or application is said to scale well.

Why Use Joins?
As just explained, breaking data into multiple tables enables more efficient storage, easier manipulation, and greater scalability. But these benefits come with a price.
If data is stored in multiple tables, how can you retrieve that data with a single SELECT statement?
The answer is to use a join. Simply put, a join is a mechanism used to associate tables within a SELECT statement (and thus the name join). Using a special syntax, multiple tables can be joined so that a single set of output is returned, and the join associates the correct rows in each table on-the-fly.
Using Interactive DBMS Tools It is important to understand that a join is not a physical entity—in other words, it does not exist in the actual database tables. A join is created by the DBMS as needed, and it persists for the duration of the query execution.
Many DBMSs provide graphical interfaces that can be used to define table relationships interactively. These tools can be invaluable in helping to maintain referential integrity. When using relational tables, it is important that only valid data is inserted into relational columns. Going back to the example, if an invalid vendor ID is stored in the Products table, those products would be inaccessible because they would not be related to any vendor. To prevent this from occurring, the database can be instructed to only allow valid values (ones present in the Vendors table) in the vendor ID column in the Products table. Referential integrity means that the DBMS enforces data integrity rules. And these rules are often managed through DBMS provided interfaces.

12.2 创建联结
mysql> select vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from vendors, products
    -> where vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id;
| vend_name | prod_name | prod_price |
| Bears R Us | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Bears R Us | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Bears R Us | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Fun and Games | King doll | 9.49 |
| Fun and Games | Queen doll | 9.49 |
9 rows in set (0.03 sec)

笛卡尔积(cartesian product):由没有连接条件的表关系返回的结果为笛卡尔积。检索出的行数是第一个表的行数乘以第二个表的行数。
mysql> select vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from vendors, products;
| vend_name | prod_name | prod_price |
| Bear Emporium | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Bears R Us | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Fun and Games | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Furball Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Jouets et ours | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Bear Emporium | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Bears R Us | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Fun and Games | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Furball Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Jouets et ours | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Bear Emporium | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Bears R Us | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Fun and Games | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Furball Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Jouets et ours | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Bear Emporium | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Bears R Us | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Doll House Inc. | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Fun and Games | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Furball Inc. | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Jouets et ours | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Bear Emporium | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Bears R Us | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Doll House Inc. | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Fun and Games | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Furball Inc. | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Jouets et ours | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Bear Emporium | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Bears R Us | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Doll House Inc. | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Fun and Games | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Furball Inc. | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Jouets et ours | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Bear Emporium | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Bears R Us | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Fun and Games | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Furball Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Jouets et ours | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Bear Emporium | King doll | 9.49 |
| Bears R Us | King doll | 9.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | King doll | 9.49 |
| Fun and Games | King doll | 9.49 |
| Furball Inc. | King doll | 9.49 |
| Jouets et ours | King doll | 9.49 |
| Bear Emporium | Queen doll | 9.49 |
| Bears R Us | Queen doll | 9.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Queen doll | 9.49 |
| Fun and Games | Queen doll | 9.49 |
| Furball Inc. | Queen doll | 9.49 |
| Jouets et ours | Queen doll | 9.49 |
54 rows in set (0.00 sec)
12.2.2 内部联结
mysql> select vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from vendors INNER JOIN products
    -> ON vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id;
“正确的”语法——ANSI SQL规范首选INNER JOIN语法。
12.2.3 联结多个表
第13章 创建高级联结
13.1 使用表别名
mysql> select vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from vendors v, products p
    -> where v.vend_id = p.vend_id;
| vend_name | prod_name | prod_price |
| Bears R Us | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Bears R Us | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Bears R Us | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Fun and Games | King doll | 9.49 |
| Fun and Games | Queen doll | 9.49 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
13.2 使用不同类型的联结
13.2.1 自联结

13.2.2 自然联结
自然联结:是每个列只返回一次,排除多次出现的列。怎样完成这项工作呢?答案是,系统不完成这项工作,由你自己完成。这一般是对表使用通配符(select *),对所有其他表的列使用明确的子集完成的。
13.2.3 外部联结
mysql> select vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from vendors INNER JOIN products
    -> ON vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id;
| vend_name | prod_name | prod_price |
| Bears R Us | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Bears R Us | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Bears R Us | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Fun and Games | King doll | 9.49 |
| Fun and Games | Queen doll | 9.49 |
9 rows in set (0.03 sec)

与内部联结不同,外部联结包括没有关联的行。下面的例子,LEFT OUTER JOIN选择from子句左边表的所有行。(即,列出所有供货商及其产品,包括没有提供产品的供货商,下面一节——13.3 使用带聚集函数的联结中的例子更直接,更好理解。)
mysql> select vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
    -> from vendors LEFT OUTER JOIN products
    -> ON vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id;
| vend_name | prod_name | prod_price |
| Bear Emporium | NULL | NULL |
| Bears R Us | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| Bears R Us | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| Bears R Us | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| Fun and Games | King doll | 9.49 |
| Fun and Games | Queen doll | 9.49 |
| Furball Inc. | NULL | NULL |
| Jouets et ours | NULL | NULL |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
13.3 使用带聚集函数的联结
mysql> select vend_name, count(prod_name)
    -> from vendors INNER JOIN products
    -> ON vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id
    -> group by vend_name;
| vend_name | count(prod_name) |
| Bears R Us | 3 |
| Doll House Inc. | 4 |
| Fun and Games | 2 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select vend_name, count(prod_name)
    -> from vendors LEFT OUTER JOIN products
    -> ON vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id
    -> group by vend_name;
| vend_name | count(prod_name) |
| Bear Emporium | 0 |
| Bears R Us | 3 |
| Doll House Inc. | 4 |
| Fun and Games | 2 |
| Furball Inc. | 0 |
| Jouets et ours | 0 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
13.4 使用联结和联结条件
第14章 组合查询
14.1 组合查询
14.2 创建组合查询
14.2.1 使用UNION
14.2.2 UNION规则
14.2.3 包含或取消重复的行
14.2.4 对组合查询排序
在组合查询中,ORDER BY子句必须出现在最后一条SELECT语句之后。
第15章 插入数据
15.1 插入数据
15.1.1 插入完整的行
mysql> INSERT INTO Customers
    -> VALUES('1000000006',
    -> 'Toy Land',
    -> '123 Any Street',
    -> 'New York',
    -> 'NY',
    -> '11111',
    -> 'USA',
    -> NULL,
    -> NULL);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO Customers(cust_id,
    -> cust_name,
    -> cust_address,
    -> cust_city,
    -> cust_state,
    -> cust_zip,
    -> cust_country,
    -> cust_contact,
    -> cust_email)
    -> VALUES('1000000006',
    -> 'Toy Land',
    -> '123 Any Street',
    -> 'New York',
    -> 'NY',
    -> '11111',
    -> 'USA',
    -> NULL,
    -> NULL);

15.1.2 插入部分行
15.1.3 插入检索出的数据
mysql> INSERT INTO Customers(cust_id,
    -> cust_contact,
    -> cust_email,
    -> cust_name,
    -> cust_address,
    -> cust_city,
    -> cust_state,
    -> cust_zip,
    -> cust_country)
    -> SELECT cust_id,
    -> cust_contact,
    -> cust_email,
    -> cust_name,
    -> cust_address,
    -> cust_city,
    -> cust_state,
    -> cust_zip,
    -> cust_country
    -> FROM CustNew;
15.2 从一个表复制到另一个表
mysql> create table custcopy as
    -> select *
    -> from customers;
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.05 sec)

第16章 更新和删除数据
16.1 更新数据
第2章 要更新的表
第3章 列名和他们的新值
第4章 过滤条件

UPDATE Customers

SET cust_email = 'kim@thetoystore.com'

WHERE cust_id = '1000000005';


UPDATE Customers

SET cust_email = NULL

WHERE cust_id = '1000000005';
16.2 删除数据
mysql> delete from customers
    -> where cust_id = '1000000006';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)



如果想从表中删除所有行,不要使用DELETE,请使用TRUNCATE TABLE语句,它完成相同的工作,但速度更快(因为不记录数据的变动)。
16.3 更新和删除的指导原则
第13章 除非确实打算更新和删除每一行,否则绝对不要使用不带WHERE子句的UPDATE和DELETE语句。
第14章 保证每个表都有主键(详见12章),尽可能像WHERE子句那样使用它(可以指定各主键、多个值或值的范围)。
第15章 在执行带有WHERE子句的UPDATE和DELETE的语句之前,应该先用SELECT进行测试,保证它过滤的是正确的数据。
第16章 使用强制实施应用完整性的数据库(详见12章),这样DBMS将不允许删除具有与其他表相关联的数据的行。
第17章 有的DBMS允许数据库管理员施加约束,以防止不带WHERE子句的UPDATE或DELETE。
第17章 创建和操纵表
17.1 创建表
17.1.1 表创建基础
-- Create Products table
  prod_id char(10) NOT NULL ,
  vend_id char(10) NOT NULL ,
  prod_name char(255) NOT NULL ,
  prod_price decimal(8,2) NOT NULL ,
  prod_desc text NULL

17.1.2 使用NULL值
17.1.3 制定默认值

MySQL:mysql> select sysdate();
Oracle: SQL> select sysdate from dual;
17.2 更新表结构
以下是使用ALTER TABLE时需要考虑的内容。
第5章 P111暂时略
第6章 。。。
第7章 。。。
mysql> alter table custcopy
    -> add new_id char(100);
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.13 sec)
Records: 6 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> alter table custcopy
    -> drop column new_id;
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.13 sec)
Records: 6 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
1、复制旧表到一个新表,CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT * from old_tables;
17.3 删除表
DROP TABLE tablename;
17.4 重命名表名
第18章 使用视图
18.1 视图
mysql> SELECT cust_name, cust_contact
    -> FROM Customers, Orders, OrderItems
    -> WHERE Customers.cust_id = Orders.cust_id
    -> AND OrderItems.order_num = Orders.order_num
    -> AND prod_id = 'RGAN01';
| cust_name | cust_contact |
| Fun4All | Denise L. Stephens |
| The Toy Store | Kim Howard |
2 rows in set (0.06 sec)
SELECT cust_name, cust_contact
FROM ProductCustomers
WHERE prod_id = 'RGAN01';
18.1.1 为什使用视图

18.1.2 视图的规则和限制
18.2 创建视图
18.2.1 利用视图简化复杂的联结
mysql> CREATE VIEW ProductCustomers AS
    -> SELECT cust_name, cust_contact, prod_id
    -> FROM Customers, Orders, OrderItems
    -> WHERE Customers.cust_id = Orders.cust_id
    -> AND OrderItems.order_num = Orders.order_num;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
18.2.2 用视图重新格式化检索出的数据

18.2.3 用视图过滤不想要的数据
mysql> CREATE VIEW CustomerEMailList AS
    -> SELECT cust_id, cust_name, cust_email
    -> FROM Customers
    -> WHERE cust_email IS NOT NULL;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)
18.2.4 使用视图与计算字段
mysql> CREATE VIEW OrderItemsExpanded AS
    -> SELECT order_num,
    -> prod_id,
    -> quantity,
    -> item_price,
    -> quantity*item_price expanded_price
    -> FROM OrderItems;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
18.3 小结
第19章 使用存储过程

附录: Oracle 和 mysql 的一些简单SQL操作命令对比
        Oracle mysql
对比版本 Personal Oracle7 Release mysql 3.23.58-nt
默认安装目录 C:ORAWIN95 F:MySQL
控制台工具 SVRMGR.EXE SVRMGR23.EXE mysqladmin.exe
数据库启动程序 0start73.exe screen mysqld-shareware.exe
关闭数据库命令 ostop73.exe mysqladmin.exe -u root shutdown
客户程序 SQL*Plus mysql
启动命令 c:orawin95binsqlplus.exe F:MySQLbinmysql.exe
带用户启动方式 (直接连库方式) c:orawin95binsqlplus.exe system/manager@TNS F:MySQLbinmysql.exe test F:MySQLbinmysql.exe -u root test
安装后系统默认用户(库) sys system scott mysql test
显示所有用户(库) SQL >select * from all_users; F:MySQLbin>mysqlshow F:MySQLbin>mysqlshow --status mysql> show databases;
退出命令 SQL> exit SQL> quit mysql> exit mysql> quit
改变连接用户(库) SQL> conn 用户名/密码@主机字符串 mysql> use 库名
查询当前所有的表 SQL> select * from tab; SQL> select * from cat; mysql> show tables; F:MySQLbin>mysqlshow 库名
显示当前连接用户(库) SQL> show user mysql> connect
查看帮助 SQL> ? mysql> help
显示表结构 SQL> desc 表名 SQL> describe 表名 mysql> desc 表名; mysql> describe 表名; mysql> show columns from 表名; F:MySQLbin>mysqlshow 库名 表名
拼接字段 ||或者+ CONCAT( ) 函数
日期函数 SQL> select sysdate from dual; mysql> select sysdate( );
mysql> select now( );
mysql> select curdate( );
mysql> select current_date;
mysql> select curtime( );
mysql> select current_time;
日期格式化 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual;
 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'hh24-mi-ss') from dual; mysql> select date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d');
 mysql> select time_format(now(),'%H-%i-%S');
日期函数 (增加一个月) SQL> select to_char(add_months(to_date('20000101','yyyymmdd'),1),'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual; 结果:2000-02-01 SQL> select to_char(add_months(to_date('20000101','yyyymmdd'),5),'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual; 结果:2000-06-01 mysql> select date_add('2000-01-01',interval 1 month); 结果:2000-02-01 mysql> select date_add('2000-01-01',interval 5 month); 结果:2000-06-01
别名 SQL> select 1 a from dual; mysql> select 1 a;
mysql> select 1 as a;
字符串截取函数 SQL> select substr('abcdefg',1,5) from dual; SQL> select substrb('abcdefg',1,5) from dual; 结果:abcde mysql> select substring('abcdefg',2,3); 结果:bcd mysql> select mid('abcdefg',2,3); 结果:bcd mysql> select substring('abcdefg',2); 结果:bcdefg mysql> select substring('abcdefg' from 2); 结果:bcdefg 另有SUBSTRING_INDEX(str,delim,count)函数 返回从字符串str的第count个出现的分隔符delim之后的子串。 如果count是正数,返回最后的分隔符到左边(从左边数) 的所有字符。 如果count是负数,返回最后的分隔符到右边的所有字符(从右边数)。
执行外部脚本命令 SQL >@a.sql 1:mysql> source a.sql 2:F:MySQLbin>mysql 3:F:MySQLbin>mysql 库名
导入、导出工具 exp.exe exp73.exe imp.exe imp73.exe mysqldump.exe mysqlimport.exe
改表名 SQL> rename a to b; mysql> alter table a rename b;
执行命令 ;<回车> / r run ;<回车> go ego
distinct用法 SQL> select distinct 列1 from 表1; SQL> select distinct 列1,列2 from 表1; mysql> select distinct 列1 from 表1; mysql> select distinct 列1,列2 from 表1;
注释 -- /*与*/ # -- /*与*/
当作计算器 SQL> select 1+1 from dual; mysql> select 1+1;
限制返回记录条数 SQL> select * from 表名 where rownum<5; mysql> select * from 表名 limit 5;
新建用户(库) SQL> create user 用户名 identified by 密码; mysql> create database 库名;
删用户(库) SQL> drop user 用户名; mysql> drop database 库名;
外连接 使用(+) 使用left join
查询索引 SQL> select index_name,table_name from user_indexes; mysql> show index from 表名 [FROM 库名];
通配符 “%” “%”和“_”
SQL语法 SELECT selection_list 选择哪些列 FROM table_list 从何处选择行 WHERE primary_constraint 行必须满足什么条件 GROUP BY grouping_columns 怎样对结果分组 HAVING secondary_constraint 行必须满足的第二条件 ORDER BY sorting_columns 怎样对结果排序 SELECT selection_list 选择哪些列 FROM table_list 从何处选择行 WHERE primary_constraint 行必须满足什么条件 GROUP BY grouping_columns 怎样对结果分组 HAVING secondary_constraint 行必须满足的第二条件 ORDER BY sorting_columns 怎样对结果排序 LIMIT count 结果限定





