The Best Book for Interview Preparation!_Elements of Programming Interviews书评-查字典图书网
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bluesky2091 Elements of Programming Interviews 的书评 发表时间:2014-08-02 11:08:27

The Best Book for Interview Preparation!

Element of Programming Interview (EPI) is definitely a fabulous book that I have read so far to prepare for a job interview. The whole book is organized very well and covers almost all types of coding & algorithm interview questions in different levels that I have encountered so far. You will enjoy every minute when reading this great book. Before this book, I have read PIE, CC150 and cp3. All these books are good as well, but comparing to EPI, PIE and cc150 are much easier and fundamental, while cp3 is much more suitable for programming competition. So I highly recommend this book to anybody who is preparing for a job interview.

The authors of this book are so nice and really responsible for all the readers. What they are pursuing is to try their best to help people to improve their programming skills, instruct people to take advantage of every minute before an interview, and share their profound knowledge in computer science domain as much as possible. If you have any question about the problems in this book, the authors will give you an extremely response in a quick and efficient manner. In addition, the questions in this book are very interesting and the process to crack them one by one is enjoyable. Furthermore, the book also introduces the comprehensive background knowledge of these questions, and together with high quality solutions, which are very helpful. I believe this is the best book to prepare coding and algorithm interview.







对“The Best Book for Interview Preparation!”的回应

宠ぬ儿xoxo 2014-11-11 23:06:20
