Magnificant book!_精力管理书评-查字典图书网
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日光倾城 精力管理 的书评 发表时间:2012-06-22 14:06:13

Magnificant book!

This book is totally overthrow my view to the world as well as towards life. What I thought is absolutely right in the past 20 years proves to be totally wrong and these thought even will destroy my entire life.

This book introduce fellowing scenarios that might leads to low productivity,actually these are very common to most of people:

What we wrongly do:
Manage Time
Avoid Stess
Life is marathon
Downtime is wasted time
Rewards fuel performance
Self-discipline rules
The power of positive thinking

What we should do:
Manage energy
Seek Stress
Life is a series of sprints
Downtime is productive time
Purpose fuels performance
Ritual rule
The power of full engagement.

-Performance, health and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of the energy.





