Are you willing to wear your white belt?_如何把事情做到最好书评-查字典图书网
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远東新君 如何把事情做到最好 的书评 发表时间:2012-08-21 23:08:45

Are you willing to wear your white belt?

It's never too late to learn a skill, take the path to mastery and you will see it.
The earlier you get this book, the earlier you learn in a right way.

Mastery is not about perfection. It’s about a process, a journey. The master is the one who stays on the path day after day, year after year. The master is the one who is willing to try, and fail, and try again, for as long as he or she lives

The talented student, I believe, is likely to learn so fast that small stages in the learning process are glossed over, creating an opaque surface that hides the secrets of the art from view. With the slow student, though, the teacher is forced to deal with same ,incremental steps that penetrate like X rays the very essence of the art, and clearly reveal the process through which the art becomes manifest in movement.

For the master, surrender means there are no experts. there are only learners.

The five master keys
5.the edge

Getting energy for mastery
1:Maintain physical fitness
2.Acknowlege the negative and accentuate the positive: Telling people what they're doing wrong while ignoring what they're doing right reduces their energy. When it's your turn to teach or supervise or give advice, you might try the following approach:"Here's what I like about what you're doing, and here's how you might improve it."
3.try telling the truth: people's energy is devoted to deceiving and hiding and remembering who it is you don't want to tell what to.
4.Honor but don't indulge your own dark side: we lock our personality in bags.
5.Set your priorities: List the things you're going to do next day, for a week, for a lifetimeand set priorities by dividing the items into categories.
6.Make commitments:sign up ealier and make a deadline. Or set your own by making it public. The firmer the deadline, the harder it is to break, and more energy it confers.
7. Get on the path of mastery and stay on it. On the journey, you can keep your energy flowing,rest may only depress you.

、Are you willing to wear your white belt?





