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Hammer_ 如何把事情做到最好 的书评 发表时间:2012-02-08 22:02:49


A classic statement of aikido's philosophy and its translation to everyday activities.Deeply felt, beautifully written, and filled with insights about our largely hidden potentials. This book will take its place among the great and lasting works about the martial arts in relation to life in general.

Truth be told, i am the one who the author categorize as "Dabbler"(浅尝辄止者). Every time i approach new sport, new language, or relationship with enormous enthusiam,my enthusiasm qucikly wanes. It seems that there are not the right sport(lanuage, people) for me.I tell everybody that the reason i quit is just it does't fulfill my unique needs.

This time repeats, and after i finish the <Mastery>,i know i should have a serious reflection for myself insofar as i have disappointed my parents, friends and myself over and over.again.

Goals and contingencies are important but we should never be excessively goal-oriented. They exist in the future and the past, beyond the pale of the sensory realm.

There is no quick fix or formula to become a master at something. They just don't work in the long run, and are eventually destructive to us.

Master is practice. Mastery is staying on the path. We can't just skip the stages. There is a seemingly endless road ahead of you with numerous setbacks along the way.But pratice will help.

In conclusion,how do we best move toward mastery?

To put it simply, we pratice diligently, but we practice primarily for the sake of the practice itself.

临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网,dedicate ourself to lifelong learning


Good luck



Chapter 1



1. The dabbler (浅尝辄止者)

2.The obsessive (M-Tong理解成偏执狂,根据上下文,解成急功近利者更准确)

3.The hacker (M-Tong理解为骇客,也就是黑客,之前我们要知道一个特征,黑客他们大多是把“黑客”当是一项业余嗜好,通常是出于自己的兴趣,而非为了赚钱或工作需要,知道这个意思就好理解为什么hacker是不在乎是否突破。所以一直处于平台期)



Chapter 2


Practice, the path of mastery, exist only in the present. You can see it, hear it ,smell it, feel it. To love the plateau is to love the eternal now, to enjoy the inevitable spurts of progess and the fruits of accomplishment, then serenely to accept the new plateau that waits just beyond them. To love the plateau is to love what is most essential and enduring in your life.


Chapter 3

The Five Mastery Keys:


1. Instruction (指导)

2. Practice(练习) -------- 重中之重!

3. Surrender (不是投降,是暂时的妥协)

4.intentionality (意向性,其实就是7个习惯的Begin with end in mind)

5. The edge (突破极限)-----做到前四个才有可能到达这个



There are some skills you can learn on your own, and some you can try to learn, but if you intend to take the journey of master, the best thing you can do is to arrange for first-rate instruction.

Instruction comes in many forms. For mastering most skills, there is nothing better than being in the hands of a master teacher, either one to one or in a small group.

Instruction demands a certain humility'at best , the teacher takes delight in being supassed by his or her students. To the teacher clearly, look at the students.

Knowledge, expertise, technical skill, and credentials are important, but without the patience and empathy that go with teaching beginners, these merits are as nothing.



A practice can be anything you practice on a regular basis as an intergral part of your life---nor in order to gain something else, but for its own sake.

In a nation obsessed with the achievement of goals, devotion to the goalless journey might seem incomprehensible if not bizarre.

The people we know as master don;t devote themselves to their particular skill just to get better at it. The truth is , they love to practice--and because of this they do get better. And then ,to complete the circle, the better they get the more they enjoy performing the basic moves over and over again.

To practice regularly, even when you seem to be getting nowhere, might at first seem onerous. But the day eventually comes when parcticing becomes a treasured part of your life. You settle into it as if into your favorite easy chair, unaware of time and the turbulence of the world..It will still be there ofr you tomorrow. It will never go away----这段写得很美,直击心脏

Ultimately, practice is the path of mastery. If you stay on it long enough, you will find it to be a vivid place, with its ups and downs , its challenges and comforts,its disappointments, and unconditional joys.



We do need healthful rest and relaxation, but for the most part we gain energy by using energy.The best remedy for physical weakness is thiry minutes of aerobic exercise.In the sameway, mental and spiritual lassitude is often cured by decisive action or the clear intention to act.mental and spiritual lassitude is often cured by decisive action or the clear intention to act.

Adequate rest is ,of course, a part of the master's journey, but , unaccopanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.



It is fine to have ambitious goals, but the best way of reaching them is to cultivate modest expectations at every step alone the way. When you are climbing a mountain, in other words, be aware that the peak is ahead , but don't keep looking up at it. Keep your eyes on the path. And when you reach the top of the mountain, as the Zen saying goes, keep on climbing.





以命博财, 翻译成现代汉语“玩命地干”。

Good luck and never stop till you succeed.


By Hammer








灵魂之眸 2013-07-12 09:57:12


Lucifer 2013-03-17 11:01:46


永远自由的心 2012-11-21 05:35:17
