The way to be extraordinary_学习之道(第2版)书评-查字典图书网
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pumpkin 学习之道(第2版) 的书评 发表时间:2013-01-22 11:01:58

The way to be extraordinary

Well, it is an amazing book. I am happy I can read it as my first book in the beginning of my 2013.

It is not only a technique book but also a book about art. Josh Waizkin, who is a chess genius and champion of the world, is not satisfied the achievements in his professional field. In his mind, learning procedure has similar properties according to different areas. And he did it, another champion title of martial Hand Push.

Firstly, it is the INTERNALIZATION. It means you need to internalize your basic skills or techniques into your heart, your mind as well as your blood, when you can use them in an unconscious status. It likes an instinct action, such as breath or hurt. However, it takes time to train yourself into this status, as the popular idea “Dan’s 10000 hours training”, which means you can be an expert in a new area through 10000 hours training. But, once you internalize these basics, you will arrive at an edge of limit, which need any conscious mind to amplify the details and then masterpieces will be create. It is said as SMALL CIRCLE and SLOW DOWN.

Another is RHYTHM. Everything has its nature rhythm, the water, the animals, and the people. While, it is important to float with the nature rhythm rather than rival with it. Assuming you are in the ocean with a boat, the tide is on and on, how you can survive in it? Yes, the answer is flow with it. Reading the tide’s mind, their rhythm, dancing with them. This is the way Josh training himself when he is trying to find his own rhythm. In martial competition, the rhythm is the breath. Exhalation and inhalation are the keys to understand your body, your status and through the breathy training, it will lead you into a serene environment in your heart, and finally obtain relaxation. The INTERVAL TRAINING, is another important way to find the rhythm. The key of interval training is that it will push you into a limit and the interval stop will supply your fuels as much as you can burst in next. This method will make you become more resilient and grow up gradually into another level. I think it is the way to growth. However, the reflection is that, the sports training of mine last year is all nonsense. No rhythm, no breath, no persistence. Well I need to make another plan now.

Finally, the most impressiveness is the attitude Josh faces to the challenges and failures. Every giant in a field is a good partner for him to grow up. They push his growth. It is natural to fear, doubt yourself when you face to success, failure and growth. Honestly, I often have these emotions. However, Josh trains himself to handle these emotions and make them to do any creations. It is based on your internalization, your rhythm, and your motivation to be better and better and better. This is the way to be brilliant.

Well, writing here, I feel energetic, motivated and intensively want to fuel my fire to become better. Even though the way is long, the climb is steep. But, It is my destiny.





