Who am I_至关重要的关系书评-查字典图书网
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九公子 至关重要的关系 的书评 发表时间:2014-01-12 00:01:53

Who am I

where to go?
Well, the first three chapters are much like one book I read before. Where you go depends on one's internal causes ,which are assets+aspiration , and external context, go the same where the capital flows into. Neither are easy to deal with.
here goes my analysis on myself:
curiosity. In fact I would be a totally thinking-idler without my curiosity on many things. I don't know wether or not should I thank her for this, beacuse thinking is really painful and our system 2 , they are really lazy.
being sincere. one virtue I value a lot through out my life.
flexible & learn fast? I write them down because some of my friends said before while I don't think so. one progress I've learned after graduation is: sadly, I'm not clever at all.I guess that explain a lot why I just can't do a good job on any kinds of games. Anyway, I also persuade myself I can fix it by working harder, making this discovery less suffering.
accurate sixth sense? sort of superstitious ,anyway I believe my intunition.
friends: a big fortune
distract easily.
like mentioned above, not a thinker.
so also awful analytical ability. really longing for.
moodiness. still working on this.

there must be some more clever understandings on "assets" , after all, the writer didn't say advantage and disadvantage. But I can only understand in this level right now.

2.aspiration(try answering this:please descripe your dream living, as detailed as possible )
I can't locate it accurately, so I write down all things I am interested in or I valued:
language----not acadamically. I know this for sure from an English class.
so speaking(like dub,ls)
visit as many place and people as possible
arts(inclding too much)
helping poors & education
truth finder
run company,just curious again

3. I^we
two points: sincerity and clever management
As for this, the book how to win friends and influence people can help a lot

4.Find a SWEET Plan Z
Seriouly speaking, find a plan Z is more important for me. I am an actualist, knowing the great gap between ideal and real, knowing the latest cabbage price. kidding. In fact, I have already forgot what exactlly the plan Z the writer means. I don't have my competetive advantage, or not so precisely, I don't have some certain skills I can rely upon. On the another hand, I can't tolerate the routine life like most peole did, keeping a smooth and steady work, meeting a nice gay , perhaps then a pretty baby ,lol, not yet. I want a sweet plan Z,in othe words, i should concentrate on my competities advantage seriously.





