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闪电胖丸子 至关重要的关系 的书评 发表时间:2014-05-13 20:05:35


为什么觉得这本书是看过的career guide中最好的一本呢?因为它很实在,没有看似充满激情地让人放弃一切去追求梦想,没有不管不顾地告诉你要never eat alone,将professional relationship和personal relationship做了区分,总之就是坦白地聊到了很多现实问题。


MC is a classic example of a career move that maximizes "optionality" because the skills and experiences of consulting can be helpful in and applied toward many other next steps, even if you're not sure what those steps are yet.


Plan A is what you are doing right now
Plan B is what you pivot to when you need to change either your goal or the route for getting there.
Plan Z is the fallback position: your lifeboat


参考《老板老妈浪漫史》S4 The Leap那一集,职场和生活中有很多相通的道理

Who you know is What You know不能同意更多!
之前一直对自己的选择各种怀疑各种犹豫,最近认识了不少新朋友,都是跟我三观很近的人,于是明白there are so many people out there that are similar to me and those are who I can refer to while confused.


With change come new opportunities as well as challenges

The moment you begin to take success for granted is the moment a competitor lunges for your jugular.

For entrepreneurs, finished is an F-word. They know that great companies are always evolving...Finished ought to be an F-word for all of us. We are all works in progress.

Develop your competitive advantage in the market by combining three puzzle pieces: your assets, your aspirations and the market realities.(培养自己的能力)

Just because your heart comes alive at a calling doesn't mean someone will pay you to do it. If you can't find someone who wants to employ you to pursue your dream job, or if you can't financially sustain yourself, then trying to turn your passion into a career doesn't really get you very far.

They read about stocks and bonds instead of reading books that improve their mind. They compare their cash salary to their peers' instead of comparing lessons learned. They invest in the stock market and neglect investing in themselves.(不如先投资自己呗)

It's a common catch-22: for jobs that require prior experience, how do you get the experience the first time? My solution: do the job for free on the side (想换行又没经验的时候请这么做)

The question of when to shift exactly is a question of both art and science, intuitive judgement combined with the best feedback or data you can collect (外交是谈判的科学与艺术,异曲同工哈哈哈)

As tempting as it is to believe that we are the sole heroes of our own stories, we are enmeshed in cities, companies, fraternities, families, society at large--collections of people who shape us, help us, and yes, sometimes even hurt us(人脉不是贬义词,而是一个非常非常重要的词)

As the score keeping becomes less and less formal and as the expectation for reciprocal exchange stretches over a longer and longer period of time, a relationship goes from being an exchange partnership to being a true alliance.(不计较回报,把交换关系变成合作伙伴关系)

One hour lunch with a person creates a bond that would take dozens of electronic communications(两性关系其实同样如此)

When you have no resources, you create them. When you have no choice but to fight, you fight hard. When you have no choice but to create, you create(人不逼自己一把,都不知道自己有多优秀)

Making a decision reduces opportunities in the short run, but increases opportunities in the long run(要从长远看啊)

Tips for asking better questions:
-Converse, don't interrogate
-Adjust the lens
-Frame and prime (negative frame更有效)
-Follow up and probe

Sometimes giving back can be simply spreading ideas that matter(帮助别人,不要吝啬自己的知识,不要担心分享了干货别人就会超越自己,sharing is more powerful than keeping it to our own)





