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Veronica Advice to a Young Scientist 的书评 发表时间:2014-02-12 18:02:53


首先非常感谢阳志平老师精心挑选几本指导科研的书给我,同时我最尊重的科学家之一蒲慕明老师也强烈推荐这本书。科学的神秘性和科研的艰苦性往往让众人感觉冷艳高贵、高不可攀,其实科学的奥妙无穷,普遍存在和精炼之美处处体现在日常生活中。作者是诺贝尔医学/生理学奖得主Peter Medawar教授,知识渊博,行文优美。我粗略归纳了他书中12条“警句名言”,摘录如下:

1. All exploratory activities of which the purpose is to come to a better understanding of the natural world. This exploratory activity is called “research”.
1. (我对“科学”的定义相当广泛)意指一切旨在更好地了解自然世界的探索性活动。这种探索性活动称为“研究”。(所以但凡对自然世界抱有好奇和探索的人在某些时刻都可以称自己为“科学家”)

2. I mean application, diligence, a sense of purpose, the power to concentrate, to persevere and not be cast down by adversity-finding out after long and weary inquiry (for example, that a dearly loved hypothesis is in large measure mistaken).
2. 我认为用功、勤奋、意志坚定、孜孜不倦、不屈不挠,不因身处逆境而气馁,都是科学家应有的美德。

3. It can be said with complete confidence that any scientist of any age who wants to make important discoveries mush study important problems…The problem must be such that it matters what the answer is-whether to science generally or to mankind. Scientists considered collectively are remarkably are remarkably single minded in their views about what is important and what is not.
3. 选择问题时就应考虑到问题的答案对科学和人类究竟有什么意义。总的来说,科学家对某个问题是否重要的看法相当一致。

4. The beginner must read, but intently and choosy and not too much. The best way to become proficient in research is to get on with it…It is psychologically most important to get results, even if they are not original.
4. 初学者必须阅读,但应有方向、有选择,不宜过多。精通科研工作的最好方法就是不断地研究。从心理学上讲,最重要的是要获得结果。

5. The art of research is that of making a problem soluble by finding out ways of getting at it-soft underbellies and the like.
5. 研究的艺术是指寻求可能解决问题的方法——如寻求问题的要害及弱点等等。

6. Husband and wife should love each other in the fully adult sense, that they should work together right from the beginning with that charity and mutual understanding.
6. 夫妻二人以完全成熟的方式互敬互爱是他们进行有效合作的必要条件,从一开始他们就能互相体谅和彼此尊重。

7. Nearly all my scientific work has been done in collaboration with others…Unless he likes his colleagues and admires them for their special gifts, he should shun it.
7. 就我本人而言,几乎所有的科研工作都是与他人合作完成的。想要合作,就应当喜欢自己的同事并钦佩他们所特有的天赋。

8. To be creative, scientists need libraries and laboratories and the company of other scientists: certainly a quiet and untroubled life is a help.
8. 科学家想要具有创造性,需要图书馆、实验室和其他科学家的合作;当然,宁静而没有打扰的生活是有帮助的。

9. Speakers should remember a principle of most Newtonian stature: people with anything to say can usually say it briefly; only a speaker with nothing to say goes on and on as if he were laying down a smoke screen.
9. 演讲者应该牢记具有牛顿精神的原则:肚子里有货的人说话一般言简意赅,那些半瓶子醋的演讲者往往喋喋不休、弄的人云山雾罩。

10. The only way to learn how to write is above all else to read, to study good model, and to practice.
10. 学习写作唯一重要的方法是阅读、研究优秀的范文,多做练习。

11. These stokes of good fortune are only for those who play well! (Fortune favors the prepared mind).
11. 好运总是偏爱那些工作出色的人!(机会总是垂青有准备的头脑)

12. Criticism is the most powerful weapon in any methodology of science; it is the scientist’s only assurance that he need not persist in error.
12. 批判在一切科学方法中是最强有力的武器,是帮助科学家不至于坚持错误唯一保障。

除了总结的12条干货,充满智慧的作者文笔诙谐,处处体现着大家风范和英国式黑色幽默。比如当听众睡着时演讲者用“什么时候睡觉也比不了在课上睡的香”来自我解嘲,显贵组成委员会拒绝资助研究时“脑袋摇得像拨浪鼓”,灵光一现的“oceanic feeling”让人激动难耐等等。整本书读的让人时时捧腹、豁然开朗。我想一本好书本该如此,贴近读者,深入浅出,在不知不觉中明白了深刻的道理和巧妙的方法。正如Medawar教授所言“if scientist makes the wold more easily understandable by any means--whether theoretical or experimental--he will earn his colleagues's gratitude and respect. (科学家如果通过各种方法——无论通过理论还是实验方法——使得世界更容易理解,他将赢得同事们的感激和敬重)”。

2. TED来自E.O. Wilson关于“Advice to young scientists”:http://www.ted.com/talks/e_o_wilson_advice_to_young_scientists.html

Beijing time, 17:56








勇敢的心 2014-12-17 21:47:17


Veronica 2014-02-15 21:17:52


Veronica 2014-02-15 21:17:15


1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0 2014-02-12 23:01:59

Oceanic feeling 大概是苦行僧般生活的过程中最享受的一刻。研究就像是有心栽花一样,虽然峰回路转时发现其实是柳更有用,但不认真栽花就没法到收获柳的路段。

RogerSunFly 2014-02-12 22:44:10


Veronica 2014-02-12 20:16:57


RogerSunFly 2014-02-12 19:50:46
