大神stephen convey的大作_高效能人士的第八个习惯书评-查字典图书网
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等风来的LL 高效能人士的第八个习惯 的书评 发表时间:2014-11-16 00:11:54

大神stephen convey的大作

读完了前言和第一章,跟之前读 The 7 Habits for Highly Effective People受到的震撼是一样。Stephen Convey非常善于总结人生的经验,回归到本质,抓到核心的共通的一些问题和解决方案。经典之作,值得细心研读和学习。
1. The pain
2. The problem
3. The solution
作者开篇通过人们的各种抱怨来表达说不管在机构,家庭还是社会中普遍存在这种觉得自己能力受到压制,不开心觉得沮丧的失落情绪。这种情绪引起的痛苦似乎是个人的,但其实深究却是普遍的。就像Carl Roger 说的那样,the most personal is most general。有痛苦必然存在着问题。作者指出问题就在于人们的认知模式的不完整,将人本身的价值没有认清,所以作者提出了要找到自己的voice,要做出正确的choice,怎么做出选择,怎么找到voice,这本书提到的第八个习惯就是针对这一问题提出的一个roadmap.
在第二章the problem中,作者详细阐述了问题的由来。社会的发展会经历以下五个阶段,在可以预见的未来,人类的智慧和知识将越来越重要。
Peter Drucker也指出,社会最大的变化不是科技,不是互联网将是社会的发展使得人们可以做出选择,人们必须要学会管理自己。但是社会还没有准备好进行这样的管理。这就揭示出了问题的实质,社会在进步,我们却还没有意识到跟社会阶段匹配的管理方法、思想和手段都要进行相应的升级。换句话说,我们工业时代重视人的体力劳动,劳动力是一项跟机器等一样的财务支出,在资产表格上人力是一项投资,相应的激励机制也将会是carrot & stick,预算实行中央控制制度,阶级,官僚,这是在此种认识下很自然会运用的管理体制。在这样的环境下,经理们自然会对待下属如同对待一个仪器一样,而对应的下属也不会想到自己要做公司的主人,自己只不过是被使唤的,自己没有选择,只是等待上级的指示,完成指示而已。这样形成的文化不是independent而是一种不正常的codependent culture,所有人都会推诿责任。这样的文化中没有任何信任可言。
思想范式很容易滞后于社会的发展。当我们进入信息时代,却还带着旧有的观念,问题就显然易见了。Einstein曾经说过, the significant problem we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created. 所以打破这种怪圈,我们必须纠正自己的思想范式或者模式(paradigms)。
那信息时代的是什么样的范式呢?作者指出Knowledge Worker Age重视的是Whole Person Paradigm.
只有满足了whole person paradigm 才能真正让人感到creative excitement. 但是每个人对于人生的某一个方面看重的程度不一样,所以很有可能因为某一点没有被完全满足,即使其他两点得到了极大地满足,任然不会达到很高的choice的级别。个人感觉,真正能做出the top choice在这个社会应该是非常稀有。我现在就处于malicious obedience和 Rebel or Quit之间,属于很多都不满意的阶段。
第三章提出了solution. 文中强调了,很多时候我们自己的选择可以转化不好的形式。Inside-out,我们将不仅改变自己的命运,甚至可以改变整个大的不好的形式。其中他说道一句话:
They become an island of excellence in a sea of mediocre and it is contagious.
4. Discover your voice- unopened birth gifts
5. Express your voice- vision, discipline, passion and conscience

Fundamentally, we are a product of choice , not nature(genes) or nurture (Upbringing environment)
The history of free man is never written by chance but by choice-their choice.
-------- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Choice 的确很重要,我认同这句话,但是很多时候我们所做的choice不是我们想,而是我们不得不做出的。

作者再次提出了那个对他影响深远的一个观点来论证choice的重要性。(老人家在7 habbits中用了很长的篇幅讲述过)。人们经常对事情做出反应,往往是spontaneous,但事实上,在反应之前,我们是有能力经过判断,并作出选择的。
但是在突发情况下,我们的判断更多的是建立在我们的经验和习惯或者我们内心固有的原则上。所以才会有yesterday hold tomorrow hostage.我们今天经历的,我们今天做的选择都会成为又一个昨天,也会将成为我们未来做出选择加以依据的经验,所以抓住每一天,不要偏离自己的核心价值观。
关于natural law. Natural authority 我们没得选择, 作者说它就像gravity。我们做出每个行为都会产生一个后果,就像pick up one end of the stick we pick up the other end. Moral authority 使我们内心的价值原则等构成尺度。它控制我们做出的选择产生相应的后果。
关于四个intelligences, 作者引申提出了4Q的概念:

注: IQ=Intelligence Quotient
EQ:Self-knowledge self-awareness social sensitive empathy ability to communicate successfully
SQ: Spiritual intelligence, drive for meaning and connection with infinite
作者针对此四商,提出了一个方法,指出这样有助于我们找到自我和balanced 生活,现摘抄如下:
For the body-assume you’ve had a heart attack, now live accordingly.
For the mind-assume the half-life of your profession is two years, now prepare accordingly
For the heart- assume everything you say about other, they can overhear, now speak accordingly
For the spirit-assume you have a one-on-one visit with your creator every quarter, now live accordingly
既然choice这么重要,那我们就要做出自己的选择, 找到自己的voice,那么如何表达自己的voice,作者又开始给出模型了。

真正能够express voice的人必须是进行自身管理的人。
He that would govern other first should be master of himself. ---------------Philip Massinger
Being powerful is like being a lady if you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.
------Margret thatcher
一个自身的管理大师一定是一个自控的高手绝对不会到处去炫耀自己的强大, 炫耀往往是弱小和自卑的表现。
➢ Vision
Einstein, 如果给他一个机会问God一个问题,他起初会问 “how did the university start? Because everything after that is just math?”, 但想了一会,他改变了主意,他想问”Why was the universe created? Because then I know the meaning of my own life”.
Meaning of my own life.我是谁,从哪儿来,将去向哪儿,最终都逃不过着三个经典哲学命题。
➢ Discipline
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. -------Warren Bennis
Only disciplined are truly free. The undisciplined are slave of moods, appetite and passions. 人为人,必然会有喜怒哀乐,喜欢和厌恶,情绪高涨和低落,成功人士和失败人士的区别就在于successful people’s dislike is subordinated by the strength of their purpose.
Setback are inevitable, misery is a choice. There are always reasons, never an excuse.
我们可以有缘由,但却不可以给自己找借口?(Difference between reason & excuse)
➢ Passion
Skill, Knowledge not equals to talent and passion
所以找到自己的passion 才是真正重要的,所谓的技能和知识都是可以学习的。
➢ Conscience
I am constantly amazed by two things: the starry heavens above and moral law within.
----Immanuel Kant
Conscience is the still, small voice within. It is quiet and peaceful but ego is tyrannical despotic and dictatorial.
Ends and means are inseparable. Ego just tells us that the end justifies the means unaware that a worthy end can never be accomplished with unworthy means.
让我想到了佛洛依德老人家说的本我,自我和超我。Ego在弗洛伊德那里指的是自我,自我还是受了一点控制的。在这里,感觉ego指的是本我和自我的结合, conscience 则有点像超我的意思。
Whole Person 4 Needs 4 Intelligences 4 Attributes Voice
Body To Live Physical Intelligences (PQ) Discipline Need
(See meeting needs)
Mind To Learn Mental Intelligences (IQ) Vision Talent
(Disciplined Focus)
Heart To Love Emotional Intelligences (EQ) Passion Passion
(Love to do)
Spirit To leave a legacy Spiritual Intelligences (SQ) Conscience Conscience
(Do what's right)

6. Inspiring Others to Find Their Voice – The Leadership Challenge
7. The voice of Influence- Be a Trim-Tab
8. The voice of trustworthiness – Modeling Character and Competence
9. The voice and speed of trust
10. Blending voices-searching for the third alternative
11. One voice – Path-finding Shared vision value and strategy
第二部分是关于如何激发和带动身边的人去寻找到他们自己的声音,作者提出了modeling – pathfinding- aligning – empowering的模型。在第二部分的地一小块,作者就先论述了前两块。当然在详述之前作者花了一小节论述了这部分整体的思路和缘由。作者指出帮助别人找到他们的声音是leadership培养的重要一环。Leadership is an enabling art not a position but an intent. The key to understand the organization behavior is not to study organizational behavior, per’se to study and understand human nature.其实一切都回归到人性的本质上。(这是否表示,心理学将会很有帮助)。
Role of leadership 和role of personal leadership 紧密相连如下显示:

这四部分相互联系,也相互作用呈现一种序列的关系,作者以一种运动作比较,指出像运动要经历 muscle building – skill building – team building – system building, leadership 4 roles也要经历 personal development – trusting relationship – developing organization characteristics. A child cannot run before he can walk or walk before it can crawl. Synergistic work用来形容他们之间的作用准确不过了。最后在摘抄几句很经典的话,leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential. Intrinsic sense of worth/value is very important. Values control our behavior and principles control the consequence. Leadership can’t be taught but can be learned. 所以领导力不是别人教的,而是自己体验和领悟的。
关于influence. 希腊人关于影响力的哲学是
Ethos – model trustworthiness- trust (personal credibility)
Pathos- seek first to understand (empathy)
Logos – then to be understood (Logic)
The key to influence is always to first to be influenced that is to first to be open and seek understanding.


寻找我们自身的影响力的源泉,taking initiative is a form of self-empowerment. 有7个不同层级的initiative or self-empowerment.
- Wait until told (within ur own circle)
在这一个层级很容易出现作者所说的5 metastasizing emotional cancers: criticizing – complaining – comparing – competing – contending. 这些都是single-minded danger. 就像 Abraham Maslow所说的,He that is good with hammer tends to think everything is a nail. 竞争意识是好的,但是任何事情都以竞争的思维去考量,将会带来恶果。
- Ask (out of circle)
- Make a recommendation (right outside edge of ur circle of influence)
- I intend to
- Do it and report directly
- Do it and report periodically
- Do it (sometimes in some culture it is easier to get forgiveness than to get permission)
90% of all leadership failures are character failure. 所以人要形成自己的好的习惯来培养自己的好的个性,所以7 habits在这儿就可以结合起来了。
Habit Principle Paradigm
Be proactive Responsibility/initiative Self-determination
Begin with the end in mind Vision/values Two creations/Focus
Put first things first Integrity/Execution Priority/Action
Think Win-win Mutual Respect/Benefit Abundance
Seek first to understand then to be understood Mutual understanding Consideration courage
synergize Creative cooperation Value differences
Sharpen the saw Renewal Whole person
不仅需要好的habit,还需要trust。 Trust is the glue of life. Nothing builds and strengthens trust more than keeping a promise you make. Rick Pitine 曾经说过,lying makes a problem part of future, truth makes a problem of past.
时刻考虑双赢,要么都获利,要么不成交 (win-win or no deal). (这在商业世界能行得通吗,really doubt).
Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it stands than to anything on which it is poured. No one can do us any harm without any consent.
With people fast is slow and slow is fast. 人与人之间的信任是一个花费时间和精力的过程。不要企图快速,快速只会导致人心的疏远,事与愿违。
我们要寻找第三种方案 (the third alternative).就像Buddhist所说的the middle way.要实现这第三条道路,最重要的就是要会倾听。


印度有一种talking tick concept, 强制性地培养人仔细听别人说话的方法。用这种方法,最终都能形成共识,因为90% of all communication problems are caused by differences in either semantics or perceptions.
Two steps to achieving synergy

Would you be willing to search for a solution that is better than what either one of you (us) have proposed?

Would you agree to simple ground rule: no one can make his or her point until they have restated the other person’s point to his or her satisfaction.

在组织内仅仅倾听是不够的,还要有形成共同的mission 当然也要有margin. Mission/no margin 或者 margin/no mission neither approach is sustainable particularly in today’s global economy. A strategic plan begins with the customer. There are only two roles in organisations: customer and supplier. The essense of good business therefore is the quality of the relationship between customer and supplier.
Successful organisations are a product of the organisational trait not personality dependent. They are system & culture dependent. Foundamentally the power is in the system not in the elected officials or appointed bureaucrats. Devil lies in the details but success lies in the systems. Effectiveness is the balance between production of desired results (P) and prodcution capability (PC). The balance score card or the double bottom-line accounting不仅仅检查财务还检查与stake holders 的关系的良好与否,这就是goose and gold egg的都考虑到了。
一个公司的老板应该是员工的humble servant.他应该问以下几个问题:
- How is it going
- What are you learning
- What are your goals
- How can I help you
- How am I doing as a helper
Victor hugo曾经说过,there is nothing so powerful as an idea whole time has come.
Modeling and pathfinding 可以归结为focus,aligning and empowering 则可以归结为 execution.
6 core drivers for execution:
- Clarity
- Commitment
- Translation
- Enabling
- Synergy
- Accountability
Jim collins曾在他的书中说过,path to greatness 包括以下几部分:
- Personal greatness
- Leadership greatness
- Organisational greatness
Discipline 1 focus on the wildly important
- The stakeholder screen
- The strategic screen
- The economic screen
Discipline 2 create a compelling scorecard
People play differently when they are keeping score
Discipline 3 translate losty goals into specific actions
Discipline 4 hold each other accountable all of the time
- Triage reporting
- Finding 3rd alternatives
- Clearing the path
Nathan Eldon Tanner 曾说过,service is the rent we pay for living in the world of ours.
The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.
Will Durant 说过,education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
When information and knowledge is impregnated with worthy purpose and principles, you have wisdom.
Wisdom is the child of integrity – being integrated around principle. Humility is mother and courage is the father.





