追求卓越,成功会不期而至_Jonathan Livingston Seagull书评-查字典图书网
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Hammer_ Jonathan Livingston Seagull 的书评 发表时间:2011-12-14 20:12:29


           This is a story for people who follow their hearts and make their own rules. People who get special pleasure out of doing something well, even if only for themselves. People wh know there's more to this living than meets the eye:they'll be right there with Jonathan, flying higher and faster than ever they dreamed.

readingnote for future review:

1. i just want to know what i can do and what i can't

2.Such promises are only for the gulls that accept the ordinary. One who has touched excellence in his learing has no need of that kind of promise.

3.He learned to fly, and was not sorry for the price that he had paid. He discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reason that a gull's life is so short, and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.

4.We were from one world into another that was almost exactly like it, forgetting right away where we had come from, not caring were headed, living for the moment.

5.The gull sees farthest who flies highest.

6.We are free to go where we wish and to be what we are.

7. You don't love hatred and evil, of course. You have to practice and see the real gull, the good in every one of them, and to help them see it in themselves.


We are limited only by our energy and imagenation.

Shoot for the moon;

even if you miss,

you'll land among the stars.


2011.12.14 by hammer








[已注销] 2012-10-31 11:52:22

I can't agree more!You never know how far u can go,until you try.

sea-lover 2012-06-01 21:55:02
