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多设备体验设计——1.5  小结

特定的现状带来了多设备时代,而独特的因素使其成为前所未有的新景象。 新的多设备时代带来了一个类似自然界的生态系统。在多设备的生态系统中,各种设备相互连接成一个整体,它们之间的交互由用户用其获取信息和娱乐的方式所决定。 三个标志着我们从单设备时代进入生态系统时代的事件是:智能手机的普及、应用市场的繁荣发展和平板的成功。 3C 框架包含三个主要方法——一致性、连续性和互补性,它们可以用来处理市面上众多设备(还有即将发明的)带来的设计难题。 注释 [1] Cisco.com,“ Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Media Data Traffic Forecast Update: 2012–2017,” February 6, 2013, http://bit.ly/1c0HYnW. [2] “GSMA Announces That the Proliferation of Connected Devices Will Create a US$1.2 Trillion Revenue Opportunity for Mobile Operators by 2020,” PR Newswire, October 10, 2011, http://prn.to/19cuKWx. [3] Google,“ The New Multi-Screen World: Understanding Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior,” August 2012, http://bit. ly/1gVzizF. [4] Google/Ipsos OTX MediaCT, US, “Our Mobile Planet: United States,” May 2012, http://bit.ly/1bQ26bo. [5] Christophe Stoll, “Multiscreen Patterns,” May 26, 2011, http://bit.ly/1fmA87Y. [6] Richard Stengel,“ Making Sense of Our Wireless World,” Time Magazine, August 27, 2012, http://www.time.com/ time/magazine/article/0,9171,2122243,00.html. [7] Number of Smartphones Sold to End Users Worldwide from 2007 to 2012 (in Million Units),” Statista, February 2013, http://bit.ly/Jx8aM9;“ Strategy Analytics: Worldwide Smartphone Population Tops 1 Billion in Q3 2012,” Business Wire, October 17, 2012, http://bit.ly/1kSjiPn; Rob Thurner,“ The Latest App Download Statistics,” Smart Insights, March 29, 2012, http://bit.ly/1hZhib8; Jeff Sonderman,“ Mobile App Revenue Exceeds Ad Revenue,” December 4, 2012, http://bit.ly/1jf2w1o; Chris Quick,“ With Smartphone Adoption on the Rise, Opportunity for Marketers Is Calling,” Nielsen, September 15, 2009, http://bit.ly/1jf2AhI;“ A History of App Stores: Apple, Google, and Everyone Else”(infographic), WebpageFX, August 15, 2011, http://bit.ly/1bNWZIC. [8] Sam Liard, “Are You Addicted to Your Smartphone?” Mashable, September 5 ,2012, http://mashable.com/2012/09/05/ addicted-smartphone/. [9] Sam Costello,“ What Are iPad Sales All Time?” About.com (based on Apple Quarterly Finance Report), October 23, 2013, http://abt.cm/1dmA32t. [10] Robin Wauters,“ Android Reaches 39% Tablet OS Market Share 2012,” TechCrunch (based on research by Strategy Analytics), January 26, 2012, http://tcrn.ch/19Swgrc. [11] Michael DeGusta,“ Are Smart Phones Spreading Faster Than Any Technology in Human History?” MIT Technology Review, May 9, 2012, http://bit.ly/1fEBvj0. [12] “In the U.S., Tablets Are TV Buddies While e-Readers Make Great Bedfellows,” Nielsen, May 19, 2011, http://bit. ly/1khyS9G. [13] “Double Vision—Global Trends in Tablet and Smartphone Use While Watching TV,” Nielsen, April 5, 2012, http:// bit.ly/1cAsIuu. [14] “State of the Media: U.S. Digital Consumer Report, Q3–Q4 2011,” Nielsen, 2012, http://bit.ly/J5amtF. [15] 第7 章将重点讨论多设备数据分析。








• 1.1  何谓生态系统
• 1.2  3C框架:一致性、连续性和互补性
• 1.3  基于单个设备的设计已成往事(还用你说 !)
• 1.4  我们造了一个生态系统
• 1.5  小结 [当前]
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