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当所有的国家没有了明显的贫富差距,甚至,也没有了教育的差距、文明的差距、肤色的差距、语言的差距、文化的差距,中国,将以什么角色立于世界之林?世界众多的国家,各自又将如何彼此面对?我们将组成一个什么样的世界村? 1997年,我有幸代表中国参加了在英国举办的一年一度的伦敦国际英语演讲大赛并获奖,我演讲的内容就是对中国的国家定位、中国的未来发展等主题的深入思考。虽然,那表达的是我十一年前的稚嫩思考,但依然能代表我现在的基本看法。 东方与西方,我们能在两种文化中共存吗? 尊敬的裁判、女士们、先生们: 英国诗人吉普林说过:“东方就是东方,当然,西方就是西方,两者永不相遇。”但是,一个世纪后的今天,两者相遇了。在商业上相遇了,在教育上相遇了,在艺术上相遇了。有些人不以为然,强调说这种相遇不过是两者中择其一的相遇,而我认为,世界理想的未来就在两者创造性的结合之中。我们可以接触西方的思想、习俗以及科技,同时也可以采纳并应用。我们有能力分享世界之最,何况从传统文化出发,选择最佳的为我运用才是真谛。 那么,西方的方式、价值观是否威胁我们的自我认识呢?历史常误导我们有这样的疑心,不小心就有了戒备之心。比如,以采纳西方婚庆习俗为例,在中国,白色通常是表示哀悼的颜色,新娘穿着白色就不符合我们的婚庆习俗,是对外国文化入侵的一种屈从,我们习惯的婚庆色彩是红色,屈从违背了我们的传承,于是担心被全球化了,我们就再也不是中国了。对此,我有保留。历史是这样教育我们的,真正强大自信的民族在向外来文化学习的过程中是轻松的、无所畏惧的。 东西方婚庆的文化,不管是红的还是白的,不过是一种多元的选择。不过是来自世界各地有独特风味的盛宴。作为一个业余美食家,中华美食是我的最爱,但是,我的味觉却有能力品味任何国土来的美味盛宴。当然就算是暂时牺牲一下我的品味和口感,我也仍然不排除麦当劳的方便。在我牙牙学语的时候,耳畔回荡着的是京剧的悠扬哼唱,那是深深烙印在灵魂中的旋律。我热爱中国的京剧,它不断提醒着我,让我时常牢记我是哪里来的,以及我到底是谁。但同时,我也是一个流行音乐的爱好者,校园中广为流传的辣妹组合也始终占据我心中第一的位置。 当然,远远不止是美食、音乐以及舞蹈那样简单。其实,那是一种世界价值观的思考。曾经有一次,我的老师说,一个中国男孩与美国女孩发生争吵,而争吵的原因居然是为了在花园中找到的邦尼兔的所有权。当然,无论是谁都会一眼就看到那个绿草中享受阳光的邦尼兔,不能再可爱了,再自然不过了,他们当然都想拥有。中国男孩演奏二胡,快乐以及幸福,渴望以及激情,在空气中流淌和涌动。邦尼兔摇头摆尾,耳朵耸立转向音乐的方向,沉醉在旋律中。女孩拿出小提琴,空气中顿时传来更加悠扬的旋律,邦尼兔向女孩的方向转身。男孩、女孩对音乐都是那么投入,已经忘却了周边的一切,陶醉其中。交织在一起的东西方旋律让邦尼兔陷入了迷惑,到底应该向哪个方向去呢。孩子们停止了音乐,向不同的方向离去,留下惆怅的邦尼兔,孤独地呆立在疑惑中。 如果他们用心倾听,倾听对方旋律,而不是用自己的旋律来对抗呢?当小提琴的乐曲在我耳畔回响的霎那,我的眼前是快乐的男男女女载歌载舞,欢笑一堂,乐曲中的旋律发自大地、山峦和河流,以及我家乡的土地。 是我的音乐吗,或者是你的,还是我们的?我真正要听的是二胡与小提琴协奏曲的那种共鸣和回响。我们可以共同谱写全新的篇章,美妙的乐章,富饶以及缜密,流畅以及沉醉,都是人类和谐的辉煌之音。 邦尼兔陷落在绿色的草丛中,过眼是夕阳西下的余晖,期待着和弦再次降临,它是不是会永远一直等下去呢? East and West,Can We Live in Two Cultures? Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen: Kipling said, “East is east, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet!” But now, a century later, they have met. They have met in business. They have met in education. They have met in the arts. Some would argue that these meetings leave us with a choice between East and West, but I believe the best future lies in the creative combination of both worlds. We can make Western ideas, customs and technology our own, and adapt them to our use. We can enjoy the best of all worlds, because our tradition is, above all, one of selecting the best and making it our own. But,do Western styles and values threaten our identity? History makes it easy for us to think so—perhaps too easy.Some people seem to think that adopting Western customs,such as a bride wearing white which has long been a color of mourning in China,instead of the traditional Chinese red for her wedding,is another submission to foreign intervention,a betrayal of our heritage,they say.They fear that as we become globalized,we will no longer be Chinese.I do not agree.History,teaches that a strong and confident nation is at ease in learning from the outside world. The wedding of Eastern and Western cultures,whether in white gowns or red,brings us variety.It is a rich banquet of special foods from all over the world.As an amateur gourmet of Chinese cuisine,our superb flavors delight me.But my Chinese taste appreciates good food from any land.I even allow the convenience of McDonalds a place in my life without giving up my good taste.My grandfather taught me to hum tunes of Beijing opera from the time I was very young;they are deep in my spirit,part of my soul.I love Beijing opera,because it always reminds me of who I am.But I am also a fan of modern pop music.The NO.1 fan of Spice Girls on campus. Of course, it goes far beyond food,music and dance.It goes into values and ways of thinking about the world.Once upon a time,or so my teacher told me,a Chinese boy and all American girl had a squabble.Both wanted to keep a bunny rabbit they had found in the garden.Surely youve seen a rabbit sunning himself in the grass.Nothing is more lovable,nothing more natural.No wonder they wanted him.The Chinese boy played his er-hu.Happiness and joy,longing and passion,filled the air.The little rabbit swayed gently and began to move his ears in the direction of the music. He liked what he heard. The girl then took out her violin and played it to produce beautiful melodies of her own. The rabbit began to bounce in her direction. So intent were the children on their own music that neither paid the other any attention. The competing melodies confused the little rabbit and he did not know which way to turn. Unable to attract the little creature, both children gave up; they walked away, in different directions, leaving the rabbit, alone. But,what if they listened,what if they really heard each others music,instead of always playing their own tunes? When I hear the music of a violin,rich with the joys of men and women who came together and sang and danced...I hear echoes of the music of the grasslands,of the hills,of the rivers…of my own native land. Is music mine and yours or is it ours? What I want to hear is the er-hu and the violin played together, in rhythm and in tune.Together, we can produce new and beautiful music, rich with textures and sounds that can only be made in harmony. The rabbit sits in the grass in the ever-warming sun. Waiting for us to play, waiting for the symphony to begin. Will he have to wait forever?








• 风暴主播 芮成钢
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• 30而励 前言
• 东方与西方,我们能在两种文化中共存吗? [当前]
• 中华民族靠什么自信
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